My Lagos Diary - EPISODE 5

Living In Lagos
Working a 9am to 9:30pm job is not easy, the fact that you still spend another 5-6 hours on the road back and forth makes it even worse. My days off are not exactly days off as I attend fashion design classes on these days. I’m exhausted most of the time and the exhaustion affects my mental health. Sometimes I take very silly decisions that I won’t take on a normal day….. I’m stressed, my brain sometimes feel stressed too, I have a lot to deal with, yet I still have to look pretty and be strong for my mum, my younger ones, my friends, colleagues and everyone else looking up to me. This is draining the strength out of me but I have to be a woman. Gone are the days when I could simply run off to mum or an older relative (although I rarely did this) to express myself. Now I am mature, I am a full-grown woman and I have to sort out my shit myself. I have drifted from my maker, I have found solace in a feeling that sometimes doesn’t exceed 20 minutes.
Living in Lagos is certainly not an easy thing. The hustle and bustle daily, the scenes, the fun, the excitement, the traffic…. Everything altogether. Soon I may go on a trip to a far away land, where there’s no mummy or daddy, brother or sister. Perhaps go with a friend or two just to unwind and get my sanity back. Until then I am finding ways to be a better version of myself. I am making peace with my maker, knowing fully well that He’s the way, the truth and the life. Sometimes I’m happy, sometimes I’m sad, sometimes there’s a reason but most times I just can’t tell. Life is not always fair; I cry a lot, I get cranky, I withdraw from everybody. Sometimes, I’m hyperactive, I laugh without reason, I give everyone I meet a tight bear hug. You see all these and assume I’ve got no worries, you think my life is perfect. I am human too and I’ve got so many flaws and imperfections. There’s a limit to what I can accommodate. Perhaps if more people showed love to their neighbours the world would be a better place. Nonetheless, whenever I reach my breaking point I speak to the big man up there that created me and everything in this world, He gives me directions and helps me regain my strength…… You should try it too #Ekolonpebi #LagosNaWa #MyLagosDiary


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