Dear Twenty Somethings,

Trust your weekend is starting well. Did you see my post yesterday? If you did then this is a continuation. This is a series and I'll be taking each sentence of a certain article one after the other and shed more light on it in each post. Enjoy!

Today's article is a little more interesting. You know those people that are blatantly wrong and then you chastise them....... What surprises me is how they flare up and show displeasure with your corrections or the actions you've taken afterwards. H E L L U R! (in Madea's voice) you did the wrong thing and I'm here trying to correct your wrong and you're angry? I so can't deal. You are wrong, accept it and make amends.

There's something I have learnt from PJ Masks : Whenever any one of them is wrong or have allowed the villain to get away they immediately say, "Oh it's my fault, I'm sorry guys blah blah blah blah blah. Time to be a hero" they come together and fight the villain and this time they win. Always, always accept your fault and afterwards make amends. You have absolutely no right whatsoever to get angry when your faults are staring at you. Yes, I understand that some people are great at judging others, some others have a PhD in telling every Tom, Dick and Harry about your goof and this can be very annoying however, do not shift your focus to all those negativity. Be a solutions minded person. What you should do is acknowledge your goof,  sieve out the pessimists in your life (they're likely to kill your vibes) and then retrace your steps in order to make corrections.

Bear in mind that some wrongs can never be made right, in those cases what do you do? For me, I apologise sincerely and make it up to the victim and I ensure that such NEVER repeats itself. It's easier said than done but that's the right thing to do. Hop in the comment section and share with us your views on this, how you handle a permanent damage etc.

Till we meet again tomorrow, I remain Ore Sho. Ciao


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