Letters To Nigerian Parents - As Seen On Facebook


Dear Parents,
Its time to drop the Margaret Thatcher ideology of discipline and embrace the subtle way of discipline by being psychologist. Study every conduct of your child and understand the rationality behind their actions. Create a dialogue with each child as an individual, I repeat, as an individual. No two children are the same, so kindly stop comparing your kids, rather see each child as a unique being with a special gift different from others.
Our awesome parents, do you know that each time you compare your child, they get psychologically depressed and become a step closer to suicide? Every moment you condemn their actions rather than questioning the reason behind it, they feel rejected and depressed thereby moving another step closer to suicide.
You ask, does it mean it is wrong to scold a child? No. Proverbs 13:24 says "those who spare the rod of discipline hate their children", Colossians 3:21 also says "father, do not aggravate your children or they become discouraged". The point is, its time to change our disciplinary method and apply the carrot and stick approach.
With great love correct your child, create time to know your child and build a smooth communication relationship. With such relationship, you become their confidant who they confide in, in place of an outsider who is likely to mislead them.
Money is important to build a great future for our kids, I know but in the quest for money, don’t leave behind your child, so you don’t build a future disaster and lose a great kid.
Beloved parents, we know it’s a huge task but please create a balance between your kids, time and money. Neglect not your roles as parents, relatives, teachers, spiritual leaders and we will all live happily. Remember, it takes a whole village to raise a child but you decide the village.
Depression is real, not just within youths and the middle aged but also in adolescents.

Yours Sincerely
An Observer"

I think this just pretty much sums all I have bottled up in my head.



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