How To Keep The Fire Of Love Burning In Your Relationship do you keep one partner for many years? That's a question many people keep asking themselves and others who have had a partner for more than 2 years.

Now, when I say partner I am not only referring to husband or wife. My main focus is the boyfriend - girlfriend relationship.

Some people have been in this kind of relationship for about 2 years and it's becoming tiring. It seems like there was so much fire in the first year, however by the second or third year the relationship seems to hit the rock. Let's not go into the problem too much but the solution

Sometimes if you get too close to a guy or girl that's not your boyfriend or girlfriend you're bound to develop some type of feelings for the person and this is likely to ruin your relationship. Therefore as much as possible during that period, try to distance yourself from the strange friend who is likely to steal you from your partner and move closer to your partner, appreciate him/her more, buy gifts, communicate more often, create time to be together more often so as to ignite the fire that's already dieing.

Another important thing to do is to try to spice up your relationship a little. You're probably too used to each other hence, you're both tired..... I mean there's no more secret, no more surprises, there's nothing new in that relationship. My brother and my sister this is very toxic for a relationship, when you can pretty much predict EVERYTHING and it seems like there's nothing new going on with both of you you're likely to get tired of such relationship. Do something new, choose a different spot to hangout, wear something you've never worn before when you guys are going out, have a new hair style, totally different from what he/she is used to, learn how to prepare a different meal and cook it when your partner comes visiting, listen more, share more ...... Whatever it is that's not what you used to do try it and watch your relationship bounce back.

One more thing, COMMUNICATION. It appears that many relationships are broken because of lack of communication. Bridge the gap of communication in your relationship and watch your partner become your best friend.

Till we meet next time, I remain Ore Sho 😘😘
I hope this helps someone


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