YOUR Happiness First

I started my day on a very good note. Prayed to God before I left the house, boarded a bike to work and was enjoying the cool morning breeze on the bike. I have made it a point of duty to always declare positive things to myself daily especially in the morning. While I was speaking these declarations, a terrible thing happened. My left knee was hit against another bike on motion. The impact was so strong I feared that my kneecap had shattered, at that instant tears formed in my eyes and at the same time my head felt like it had fallen off my head. The bike man found a good spot to park so I could examine the knee. This was going to be the second time I would hit my knee (the first time was the right knee) in the space of 2 weeks. The "christianese" in me started to think it was no coincidence and the devil had a part to play in this but I reassured myself that if God be for me nothing or no one can be against me. I rubbed the knee and we continued our journey till I got to the bus stop but as the breeze was blowing on the knee it hurt even more and I think tears started rolling down my cheeks. I lifted my head a little then gently wiped my tears. We finally arrived at the bus stop, the bike man apologized once again, I paid the fare and made to leave but I was hurting so badly I started limping. Usually I would walk down to the office but today was different, I couldn't afford to do that so I boarded a tricycle (NAPEP) to the office. As I walked in almost everyone noticed my new walking step and asked what happened, those I could tell I told and for the others I just ignored. Time to climb up the stairs...... Then I knew I was in deep shit. The pain increased as I walked up the stairs and before I could even get to the top of the stairs tears had started rolling down my cheeks uncontrollably. I quickly cleaned my eyes and put myself together. Luckily for me we had a balm that I could use to massage the knee and someone was kind enough to massage it for me. Massaging it wasn't easy as it gave me headache, I felt like screaming, occasionally I felt like pushing the man massaging it for me so hard but I had to put myself together. When he was through I rushed to the toilet to cry and let out all the tears I had held in during the massage LOL. The knee felt better after the massage, my eyes were red, my makeup looking all messy but I didn't care. I wiped my face a little then went back downstairs to begin the day's work. 

I'm happy I'm alive and that's really ALL that matters. 

Seek your happiness first before any other thing because in the end that's what matters. Difficulties, problems and issues may arise and want to steal your happiness, it is however in your power to ensure those things do not amputate your joy and happiness.

This is the word for this morning. Care to share with us how you've managed to overcome challenges? Please share in the comment section. Your comments mean a lot to me.

I am Oreoluwa


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