Have you ever been agitated by people who help you and then brag about it to others, making it seem like you're nothing without them? There are many people like that in our family, place of work, school, church, environment etc. In fact, you can't avoid them because you cannot go far in life by being a lone wolf. You need someone to lean on, help you up, talk to as you go in life. However, there's a way to deal with people like this. The best way is to EARN the credits. Work hard such that their help will only complement your hard work and hence, serve as a catalyst to skyrocketing you to the top.

Have you been a victim of these "braggers" or do you know other ways to shut the "braggers" up then share in the comment section. Let's get talking and let's get to learn from each other.

I am Oreoluwa 😉


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