Sexual Molestation And The Effects On The Male Child

Child molestation has become very rampant especially in the 21st century and you begin to wonder what will become of the next generation if we keep silent about it and not do all we can to put a stop to it.

I have only just realised that the issue is only being focused on the girl child. We probably have no idea how the boy child feels when he's been molested by a way older person. Yes! Underaged boys have had their own share of sexual harassment both from older women and/ or older men. Young boys have had to keep the secret of one aunty who dragged them to their rooms to caress them, say sweet words to them and make them feel "like a man". This secret has lived with them and they cannot even tell anyone how they had their first sexual experience at the age of 7 or so. Some of them have also been raped by these older persons and have been threatened one way or another or have been forced to keep mute about the issue. Some of them have grown to either dislike the female gender, or disregard them or worse still diminished whatever form of self esteem and ego they have in them, not to mention the several diseases they're exposing these young boys to at their early stage. PLEASE DESIST FROM CHILD MOLESTATION!!! The future of our kids is very important and we do not want to be the ones to truncate their bright future. Dear child, please do not be afraid or ashamed to speak up if you are being molested by uncles and/or aunties.


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